!!! In order for any of these cheats to work the steps below must be completed with the Classic Control (Tank Control) scheme but you can switch back to Modern Controls after enabling the cheat code.
Using cheats will block trophy/achievement progression. !!!
!!! In order for any of these cheats to work, Lara MUST BE FACING NORTH and the COMPASS TRANSPARENT. To do this, find a block that faces North, climb on top of it, then check your Inventory screen; your compass should be transparent. !!!
Face exactly North and open the Inventory screen - check the compass needle. Highlight the Sunglasses, press and hold H + E + L + P keys together then release and close the Inventory to skip to the next level.
Face exactly North and open the Inventory screen - check the compass needle. Highlight the Sunglasses, press and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + UP then release and close the Inventory to skip to the next level.
Face exactly North and open the Inventory screen - check the compass needle. Highlight the Sunglasses, press and hold LB + LT + RB + RT + UP then release and close the Inventory to skip to the next level.
Nintendo Switch:
Face exactly North and open the Inventory screen - check the compass needle. Highlight the Sunglasses, press and hold L + ZL + R + ZR + UP then release and close the Inventory to skip to the next level.
Face exactly North and open the Inventory screen - check the compass needle. Highlight the Small Medipack, press and hold G + U + N + S keys together then release and close the Inventory to get all the weapons, unlimited ammo, flares and medipacks.
Face exactly North, and open the Inventory screen - check the compass needle. Highlight the Small Medipack, press and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + UP then release and close the Inventory to get all the weapons, unlimited ammo, flares and medipacks.
Face exactly North, and open the Inventory screen - check the compass needle. Highlight the Small Medipack, press and hold LB + LT + RB + RT + UP then release and close the Inventory to get all the weapons, unlimited ammo, flares and medipacks.
Nintendo Switch:
Face exactly North, and open the Inventory screen - check the compass needle. Highlight the Small Medipack, press and hold L + ZL + R + ZR + UP then release and close the Inventory to get all the weapons, unlimited ammo, flares and medipacks.
Face exactly North and open the Inventory screen - check the compass needle. Highlight the Large Medipack, press and hold B + I + T + S keys together then release and close the Inventory.
Face exactly North and open the Inventory screen - check the compass needle. Highlight the Large Medipack, press and hold L1 + L2 + R1+ R2 + DOWN together then release and close the Inventory.
Face exactly North and open the Inventory screen - check the compass needle. Highlight the Large Medipack, press and hold LB + LT + RB+ RT + DOWN together then release and close the Inventory.
Nintendo Switch:
Face exactly North and open the Inventory screen - check the compass needle. Highlight the Large Medipack, press and hold L + ZL + R+ ZR + DOWN together then release and close the Inventory.
Open your Inventory, highlight the Sunglasses, hold L1 + Up + X. Close the Inventory screen.
Open your Inventory, highlight the Sunglasses, hold LB + Up + A. Close the Inventory screen.
Nintendo Switch:
Open your Inventory, highlight the Sunglasses, hold L + Up + B. Close the Inventory screen.
Open your Inventory, highlight the Sunglasses, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Up. Return to the Inventory screen and you will now have extra weapons with unlimited ammos plus unlimited medipacks and flares.
Open your Inventory, highlight the Sunglasses, hold LB + LT + RB + RT + Up. Return to the Inventory screen and you will now have extra weapons with unlimited ammos plus unlimited medipacks and flares.
Nintendo Switch:
Open your Inventory, highlight the Sunglasses, hold L + ZL + R + ZR + Up. Return to the Inventory screen and you will now have extra weapons with unlimited ammos plus unlimited medipacks and flares.
Open your Inventory, highlight the Sunglasses and hold together: L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Down. Return to the Inventory screen and now you will have the necessary keys and puzzle items.
Open your Inventory, highlight the Sunglasses and hold together: LB + LT + RB + RT + Down. Return to the Inventory screen and now you will have the necessary keys and puzzle items.
Nintendo Switch:
Open your Inventory, highlight the Sunglasses and hold together: L + ZL + R + ZR + Down. Return to the Inventory screen and now you will have the necessary keys and puzzle items.
Pause the game,
hold Duck + Look + Down + Action,
release and quickly press Action + Up + Walk + Action in a row.
Pause the game,
hold Draw + Look + Left + Action,
release and quickly press Walk + Walk + Walk in a row.
Close, then return to the Pause/Inventory screen.