The A12 Carbine Assault Rifle is a favorite among special operation units due to the shorter barrel, which increases portability without sacrificing firepower. The fully automatic A12 features a large ammo capacity to balance out its increased rate of fire and is a highly accurate weapon over long distances.
The Sheridan MK-5 Tranquilizer Gun uses compressed gas to fire a 15mm tranquilizer dart at high velocity. The Mark-5 is a bolt-action weapon where each dart must be manually loaded into the chamber. More than one dart may be required for large or overly aggressive animals, and some enemies may not be affected at all.
Utilized primarily for undersea fishing, the Stingray T-40 Carbon Spear Gun uses compressed CO2 to expel metal flechettes with razor sharp tips. The Stingray is a pump-action weapon where each flechette must be chambered individually. Clearly superior both in accuracy and range underwater, its effectiveness is dramatically reduced on land.
As the latest generation of personal data assistants (PDA), this device can perform various tasks necessary while "in the wild" including a sonar mapping module designed to create low-resolution 3D maps of the surroundings, a data archive and reference retrieval library, and long-range satellite communications.