Right after Bolivia Lara is traveling to Paraíso. James Rutland states that the stone dais and an old digging site from Lara's past have something serious in common. Lara decides on visiting her old friend, Anaya and they visit the tomb together. However, her time spent there didn't end up well... This level is great to learn the game's combat system and something painful is going to be revealed as well...
Lara is going to Japan to get a sword piece from Shogo Takamoto. On a fancy party she rips her dress ready for combat and runs into the Japanese night jumping on rooftops with acrobatic grace to reach her goal. This chapter is slightly different than the previous two and we have a useful advise: look out for the Yakuza...
Zip and Alister tell Lara to go to one of her favourite continents, Africa - Ghana, to be more specific.
But this time this won't be a usual trip, because she needs to get the sword piece from Rutland.
However, before that there are loads of traps waiting for you, so good luck surviving them!
Alister discovers new information about a lost piece of the ancient sword: Lara has to visit Kazakhstan but Amanda and her gang went there first. You will find KGB laboratories and army fortresses.
There are traces of King Arthur's legend. Finally Lara finds a shield which have important info carved on it and she knows, where to go next.
The carved information on the shield happens to be a map which leads to Cornwall. Lara visits an abandoned and strange museum accompanied by Zip and Alister's watching eyes. In this museum the whole story of King Arthur has been exhibited and always has been the favourite of tourists with high interest in legends. While Lara is exploring the hidden rooms of the museum she finds interesting stuff...
During the search for the Ghalali Key it gets more obvious that it is probably the brooch Lady Amelia Croft got from her husband. In hope to find the precious item in the plane wreck Lara is traveling to Nepal again where she suffered that plane crash. We must constantly watch our step because of falling ice platforms and unstable ice ledges. Even the slightest case of stepping wrong can lead to an accident.