There are no cheat codes for the PC version. However, you can use the Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness Startup Configuration Utility (SCU) and gain access to all the extra features within the game, like all weapons and ammo (including dual pistols), flying Lara, access to the secret training area (Parisian Back Streets) and a lot more!
Pause game play, then hold R1 + L2 + R2 + Triangle + Circle to unlock the See Credits option under Exit Game.
Skip: While playing, choose the Load Game option and highlight any save file, and press R2 + Square. Exit the inventory and the level should complete automatically.
Select: Pause game play, then hold L1 + R2 + Down + Triangle. Release the buttons, then quickly press Circle, Up, Square, Triangle, Right, Down. Skip level and level select options will now appear when game play is paused. Note: This code also allows you to retain weapons and items from level to level.
Note: The level select menu does not include the actual titles of any of the levels. The following are the level select choices with the corresponding level location.
Source: gamewinners.com
The Ultimate Cheats disc for Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness lets you tweak and modify just about every aspect of the game, allowing you to complete dangerous missions with the greatest of ease. All the unauthorised codes and enhancements on this disc have been specially created to help you get the most out of Angel of Darkness using the world's most powerful cheat code engine, Action Replay. Ultimate Cheats contains loads of top secret codes that even the game's programmers don't know about. Yet it's so simple to use - just load the Ultimate Cheats disc, choose which codes you'd like enabled, then load your game disc. Now you can really take control of the action and add mega replay value to your game.
Cheats include: