Lara's usual partners in combat. Unlimited ammo, low firepower.
With high firepower it shows similarities with Desert Eagle. It is highly useful if combined with LaserSight.
Very useful against human targets. Quick and powerful and we will find enough ammo around.
It reloads slowly but in exchange we will have a powerful weapon for short range. It has two ammo types:
Normal (red) for similar combat type as in the previous Tomb Raider games.
Wideshot (blue) which pellets spread in wider range.
Desert Eagle
Powerful gun just like the Revolver. Usually a few shots are enough to eliminate anyone. It can be combined with LaserSight.
HK Gun
This powerful weapon will be your best friend during VCI levels. It works three different ways and it is highly considerable when to use which one.
Sniper In this mode only one bullet can be shot. Great to achieve headshots.
Burst It quickly fires 5 bullets.
Rapid Continous firing against your foes.
Grappling Gun
Rather a helping tool than a gun. On VCI levels at some point you can shoot ropes at griddled ceilings with it.
This useful tool was introduced in the previous Tomb Raider game and it can be attached to Revolver, Desert Eagle and HK Gun. It helps you to shoot more accurately to eliminate your enemies at an instant and to solve puzzles.