Rise of the Tomb Raider Now Available on Xbox One X

Rise of the Tomb Raider Now Available on Xbox One X

Microsoft's brand new (the world's most powerful) console - Xbox One X - launches today worldwide! Offering dynamic 4K quality visuals, vibrant, lifelike colours supported by HDR technology, smoother performance and faster frame rates. And what's more, it supports Rise of the Tomb Raider too!

(The above video is best viewed with a 4K monitor or device.)

Xbox One X players can choose from one of three visual modes, including:

  • Native 4K: (full 3840 by 2160) for highest fidelity resolution
  • Enriched Visuals for stunning graphic upgrades
  • High Frame Rate for the smoothest possible gameplay

New Xbox One X tech enhancements for Rise of the Tomb Raider include:

  • HDR display support for more vibrant and accurate color representation technology
  • Spatial audio support, including Dolby Atmos, for true 3D audio
  • Enhanced texture resolution for Lara Croft, NPCs, and environments, leveraging additional memory offered by the Xbox One X
  • Improved anti-aliasing for immersive realistic details

Additional visual enhancements include:

  • Improved volumetric lights
  • Improved reflections
  • Enhanced foliage
  • Upgraded polygonal detail
  • Amplified texture filtering

Enhancements for Rise of the Tomb Raider on Xbox One X will be available timed to the console's launch on November 7. Players who have already purchased the game for Xbox One will be able to download and experience these unique features for free on Xbox One X.


Official Rise of the Tomb Raider on Xbox One X FAQ

Q: What are the three visual modes available for Rise of the Tomb Raider on Xbox One X?
A: The three modes include:

  • 4K Enriched Visuals: This mode enriches graphical features of the game for a lusher and more realistic experience and displays the game in 4K resolution using checkerboard rendering, on supported 4K TVs.
  • Native 4K Resolution: This mode displays the game in native 4K Resolution, on supported 4K TVs.
  • High Framerate: This mode provides a higher framerate for a smoother gameplay experience.

Q: What is "Native 4K" different from Checkerboard 4K?
A: Checkerboarding is a technique that assists GPUs with rendering high resolution images, and is a more efficient way to render 4K. Checkerboard 4K isn’t true, native 4K, although the two versions are nearly indistinguishable.

Q: What framerate does the "High Framerate" mode achieve? Is the framerate locked in any of the three modes?
A: "High Framerate" mode provides 60FPS through the majority of gameplay. The framerate is locked at 30FPS for the "4K Enriched Visuals" mode and "Native 4K Resolution" mode.

Q: How do you change between the three visual modes in Rise of the Tomb Raider on Xbox One X?
A: You can swap between the three visual modes at any time while playing Rise of the Tomb Raider on Xbox One via the "Options" menu.

Q: What sort of audio setup do you need to take advantage of the Dolby Atmos Spatial Audio support?
A: Rise of the Tomb Raider on Xbox One X will automatically detect whether your current speaker setup is Dolby Atmos Spatial Audio capable. You can also take advantage of the Dolby Atmost Spatial Audio with the Dolby Atmos compatible headphones.

Q: If you don't have an Xbox One X, but own Rise of the Tomb Raider on Xbox One, will you still be issued the Xbox One X Enhanced update? Will it contain any noticeable improvements for the Xbox One version?
A: We've focused our effort on the Xbox One X version of Rise of the Tomb Raider in order to take advantage of the hardware improvements. There are no noticeable additions to the Xbox One version.

Q: Why do I need an update to my Xbox One copy of Rise of the Tomb Raider if it doesn't include any improvements?
A: A minor update is required for all copies of Rise of the Tomb Raider, however the Xbox One X features and data will be sent only to Xbox One X players.

Q: Is there a new physical edition of Rise of the Tomb Raider for sale on the Xbox One X?
A: The Xbox One X update for Rise of the Tomb Raider is only available digitally.

Q: If I've already purchased Rise of the Tomb Raider on Xbox 360, can I play it on the Xbox One X?
A: Only Xbox One games can be played on Xbox One X.

Q: If I've already purchased Rise of the Tomb Raider on Xbox One, how do I access the Xbox One X Enhanced update?
A: The Xbox One X Enhanced update will be delivered as a content update to Xbox One and Xbox One X players when they next attempt to play the game after November 7.

Q: Can I use my Rise of the Tomb Raider Xbox One saved game files on Xbox One X?
A: Yes, if your games are saved on Xbox Live servers in the cloud. More details can be found here.

Q: Can you purchase and download a copy of Rise of the Tomb Raider direct on Xbox One X? How?
A: Yes, you can purchase and download Rise of the Tomb Raider through the Xbox Store on your Xbox One X.

Q: Can you purchase and download all the "20 Year Celebration" DLC for Rise of the Tomb Raider direct on the Xbox One X? How?
A: Yes, you can purchase and download Rise of the Tomb Raider's 20 Year Celebration DLC through the Xbox Store on your Xbox One X. If you already own the Rise of the Tomb Raider Season Pass, this content will be available to download for free.

Q: Where can I learn more about the Xbox One X hardware?
A: You can read more about the Xbox One X here.

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