Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Difficulty Levels & New Game +

Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Difficulty Levels & New Game +

The previous two episodes of the reboot series, Tomb Raider (2013) and Rise of the Tomb Raider also provided some options that helped raiders to find their own style, however, in Shadow of the Tomb Raider players will have even more way to find the perfect path for themselves. Let's see how they work!

Play the way you want in Shadow of the Tomb Raider with new accessibility selections and customizable difficulty settings! Go beyond the single toggle for altering gameplay and say hello to new options like:

  • Optional Y Axis Inversion
  • Toggling on and off Vibration 
  • Reducing Camera Shake
  • The option to center the camera horizontally so that it is ‘soft locked’ on Lara’s back, requiring the use of only one stick for movement. The other stick can still be used to move the camera if desired.
  • The option to tap rather than hold left trigger to aim down the sights
  • The option to use right (default) or left stick to aim, when looking down sights (left trigger)
  • The option to hold button press prompts rather than repeated tapping
  • The option to push the stick directionally for crank control prompts rather than rotate
  • Adjustable aim sensitivity

Audio accessibility options include:

  • Subtitles: Off, On with Color, On without Color
  • Environmental Subtitles: Display subtitles for all conversations taking place nearby, or only for critical conversations
  • Closed Captioning: Display additional or interpretive information such as sound effects, musical cues, and other relevant audio information

There are four unique settings for the aforementioned trio: Easy, Normal, Hard, and Deadly Obsession. While traditional options like easy, normal, and hard can be swapped at any time, once a player chooses Deadly Obsession, it applies to all three categories (puzzles, traversal and combat) and they will be unable to change the difficulty for the remainder of the playthrough. Choose-wisely…

A loyal friend to any Tomb Raider completionist, Survival Instincts is back once again. Adventurers looking for a more holistic experience can toggle Beacon (next objective location) and Glow (interactable objects) on/off regardless of difficulty settings (except when on the Deadly Obsession setting, of course).

For a deeper look at the game’s difficulty settings, feast your eyes on the breakdown below.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider options



  • Aim assist enabled
  • Enemies have lower health and do less damage
  • Ammunition boxes are plentiful
  • Enemies have illuminated silhouettes


  • Enemies have normal health and damage
  • Ammunition boxes are rare
  • Enemies have illuminated silhouettes


  • Enemies have increased health, do more damage and locate Lara more quickly.
  • No health regeneration in combat
  • Ammunition boxes are rare
  • No hit markers on the reticle
  • Enemies are not highlighted in Survival Instincts

Deadly Obsession

  • Same as hard
  • No HUD icon when Lara is being detected by an enemy

Shadow of the Tomb Raider options



  • Obvious white paint on critical path
  • Longer saving grab timer
  • Base camps are lit


  • Discreet white paint on critical path
  • Normal saving grab timer
  • Base camps are unlit


  • No white paint on critical path
  • Reduced saving grab timer
  • No Survival Instincts during exploration
  • Base camps are unlit

Deadly Obsession

  • Same as Hard
  • Base camps are unlit and require resources to light
  • Game only saves at Base camps

Shadow of the Tomb Raider options



  • Lara gives direct hints on next action to perform
  • Interactable objects are highlighted in Survival Instincts
  • Objects necessary to progress highlighted in blue during Survival Instincts
  • Longer window of opportunity for timed mechanics


  • Lara gives general hints on the next action to perform
  • Interactable objects are highlighted in Survival Instincts
  • Normal window of opportunity for timed mechanics

Hard/Deadly Obsession

  • No hints are given by Lara
  • No Survival Instincts
  • Shorter window of opportunity for timer mechanics

The Survival Instincts beacon (which highlights the next objective location) and glow (objects Lara can interact with) can also be toggled on or off regardless of difficulty settings, except when on the Deadly Obsession setting.

New Game Plus

Expand your game play with New Game Plus. Once a player has completed Shadow of the Tomb Raider, they unlock the ability to play through a mode with all-new features.

In New Game Plus, the work you've done will carry over into your next play-through. This includes:

  • All Skills Acquired
  • Weapons
  • Outfits
  • Equipment Upgrades
  • Gear

New Game Plus also unlocks three new Paths that Lara Croft can master. 
Choose your unique path based on your playstyle. 

Shadow of the Tomb Raider New Game Plus

Path of the Serpent

Your gameplay features an emphasis on stealth and subterfuge. Take down your foes one by one, using sound and decoys to sow chaos among their ranks. Mud and camouflage lets you lash out your foes before slipping back into the shadows.

Path of the Jaguar

Your gameplay features an emphasis on hunting and combat. Strike down your enemies with an unrivaled ferocity. Your agility and close-ranged prowess tear through your enemies with knife takedowns.

Path of the Eagle

Your gameplay features an emphasis on traversal and resourcefulness. Observe your enemies from afar, scouting out to plan your next attack. Traverse with ease, attacking enemies from long range.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider New Game Plus


Each chosen path will unlock a variety of exclusive rewards that further compliment your playstyle and gameplay.

By selecting a path, you'll unlock mastery skills featuring a variety of unique new abilities. From Jaguar Rage to Eagle Sight, each skill expands your game play.

On top of new skills available, chosen Paths feature unique themed weapons and outfits that further take your game. 

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