The first season of Netflix's Tomb Raider anime series, Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft (consisted of eight episodes) debuted on the streamer on October 10, and received mostly positive reviews from critics upon its release. The adventure continues in the future as the action-packed, emotional animated series has been renewed for season 2...
"When adventurer Lara Croft (Hayley Atwell) discovers a trail of stolen African Orisha masks, she joins forces with her best friend Sam (Karen Fukuhara) to retrieve the precious artifacts. Lara's thrilling new adventure takes her around the globe as she delves deeper into the hidden secrets of Orisha history, dodges the machinations of a dangerous and enigmatic billionaire who wants the masks for herself, while discovering these relics contain dark secrets and a power that defies logic. Power that may, in fact, be divine."
Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft (written and executive produced by Tasha Huo) series follows the events of the reboot/survivor trilogy - a canon continuation of Shadow of the Tomb Raider.
The series has been animated by Powerhouse Animation which is behind Netflix's Castlevania anime series.